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Shit happens...September 22nd, 2007 - 11:57 pm
Feel i'm getting better than yesterday...
I've gotten over the talk to her, the emotions ...
My nerve system has calmed down, i'm starting to relax and let it go...
...go just a bit furthe from me...
In a place it can leave me alone!:)
I'm tired! Tired of all the acting around me
and my acting to the people around me! Sick of being forced to act "natural", when feeling crappy...
BUT...I think, Aigars felt smth being wrong & offered to have a drink!
an enormous thnx, aigars, i needed that! :))
u know my hymn- Medirith Brooks- bitch, don't u?! "Tomorrow I will change & today won't mean a thing"
...this time this is the most apropriate part...
...tomorrow I will go to Mārupe, if a friend accepts me....otherwise its Ogre i'm going to!:D
I just need a moment to think things think it over- all i've heard, all i've figured out...
the reality is quite disturbing, actually!...too disturbing for me to handle!
P.S. starting to get along with staying all alone in the apartment! ;D
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