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Yes, I've lost my mindSeptember 10th, 2007 - 11:43 pm
For some time now, I have been lazy & haven't written a goddamned thing here
shame on me!:D
...anyhow- the september has started as I hoped & now the only thing i can think of, is "Wake me up when september ends"...
Yes, tomorrow is sept. the the fuck what?!
I hoped and dreamed of meeting my groupmates alltogether, but it still is not the same it was 1st year!:(
the lecturers I liked and got used to have gone,new ones- arrived....shit...
After meeting our building manager today, I wanted to get drunk- how irresponsible can a businessman get???
We offer him more money than he deserves & the contract says to give him to finish building our house & all he can say is "Well....I don't know....probably...let me think about it"... WHAT THE FUCK????
...he is a goddamned bitch!I understand we could be the ones to think about letting him finish the job, which had to be finished latest by july & isn't doe yet....but not him! Wo does he think he is????
He told that "He and the guys have planned to take a week off and go to a trip" ASSHOLE!!:@:@:@
...then we told that he has calculated another 20 000 Ls more, so from now- we are paying 40 000 ls less than he wants ;DD
screw him- if he pisses us, i will just change the key to our house & he can walk where he wants!BITCH!!!!!:@
:D to bed with me...lectures start @ 8:30 tomorow!:D
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