dystophy's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in dystophy's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, August 25th, 2020
    2:41 pm
    nezinu, kā jums, bet man reklāma piedāvā izdevīgus kredītus un alkoholu ar bezmaksas piegādi Rīgā un Pierīgā. Tautas izaugsmes plāns vnk.
    Saturday, August 1st, 2020
    11:06 am
    wikipedia is our ultimate source of knowledge
    "Laulība ir sociāli un juridiski atzīta seksuāla un ekonomiska savienība, parasti starp vīrieti un sievieti." So, according to the article "Laulība" in our wikipedia, it's basically money with benefits.
    Vēl wikipēdijas rakstā autors piemin sērijveida poligāmiju.
    I wonder, who wrote this.
    Iedomājos laulību ceremoniju, kurā reģistrētājs pārim vienkārši nolasa definīcijas un piedevām vēl piemet klāt svaigākos statistikas datus. Un pēc statistikas piemin sērijveida poligāmiju- nebēdājiet, brāļi. Dzīve ir nepārtraukta attīstība. Nesanāks šoreiz, mēģināsiet vēl.
    Parasti gan tiek norunāta dramatiski tēlaina un svinīga poēzija. Par mīlestību, darbu un pienākumiem, dzīves bangām un stihijām. Vispār brīnos, kur var atrast tik lieliskus laulību reģistratorus.
    Thursday, July 30th, 2020
    10:29 am
    I thought, I wanted to die, but I didn't know, I already was dying.
    Tuesday, July 28th, 2020
    1:20 am
    lielos vilcienos
    kā lai izstāsta to, cik ļoti viss ir vienalga
    12:25 am
    in her name
    I'm rotting
    still rotting
    half alive since the day I know
    the illusory power of reality,
    its trickery
    and your broken mind.
    Your power over me
    and my codependency
    with how rotten you and me are.
    This heritage lasts
    passed down
    for generations.

    Royals may die, but they find no peace,
    And their pride still boils in their children.
    Banging high, causing upheavals,
    Then bringing them down
    From lofty heights
    Down to the gritty drains
    of reality

    Low lands is where I woke up
    Handful of soil is what I got

    You played,
    you played me,
    and now you're dead.
    But you've played your cards.

    And all that you did in the name of your love, the ideals,
    and your love for ideals, is hysteria.

    Now pass it down and around.
    Sunday, July 26th, 2020
    11:02 pm
    Teorētiski, viss sakrīt. I'm making people laugh, because I'm an inferior male.
    Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020
    3:00 pm
    Vai var dīvaini izrunāt vārdu "dīvains"? it kā legit..
    Tuesday, July 21st, 2020
    11:50 am
    dead lives matter
    Saturday, July 18th, 2020
    12:40 am
    virpuļviesulis, kas vērpjas ap neko.
    Wednesday, July 15th, 2020
    3:49 pm
    Smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. Which means, one shouldn't have become sailor.
    Monday, July 13th, 2020
    10:31 pm
    this day in the news
    Civilizāciju sabrukuma apstākļi, pohuj
    Sunday, July 12th, 2020
    5:49 pm
    I'm tired of ideologies and buying
    Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
    3:07 am
    Of all the possible problems
    dyslexia might be fun.
    But you can always pretend,
    that you're having it.

    You can always pretend, that you're having it.
    1:34 am
    the loveliest dragon
    you're breathing toxic fumes
    they are spinning into dreams
    outshining the fabric of reality

    my mighty, dark dragon
    curled up in my insides
    enjoying feeding on emptiness
    and wasted time

    feeding on nothingness
    giving me nothing

    how surprised you'll be
    when the walls will fall
    and you'll realise,
    you've eaten me all
    Wednesday, June 24th, 2020
    2:31 am
    Are you easy-going?
    No, I'm complicated and not going anywhere
    Tuesday, June 16th, 2020
    6:24 pm
    par narcismu
    Liekas, ka narcisms varētu būt pašsaglabāšanās instinkta savdabīgs mehānisms. Jo, ja mēs redzētu sevi visā savā īstenajā neglītumā, kādus mūs dažbrīd citiem nākas redzēt, vai tad mēs vairs spētu gribēt turpināt savu dzīvi?
    Monday, June 15th, 2020
    2:45 pm
    socially hollow
    beauty is within

    seeing God in expensive things
    and good life
    you'll never have
    Tuesday, June 9th, 2020
    12:07 am
    All in his
    life is devoted to music. Has me thinking, that everything in it is about longing.
    Thursday, June 4th, 2020
    9:16 pm
    draivs ir, bet degvielas nav.
    9:08 pm
    vecumā sāc klausīties LTV ziņas un pieseko laikrakstam "Patiesā dzīve".
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