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21. Apr 2010|23:12
Man gan nav šobrīd vēlmes izplūst, bet, lasot šo to rītdienas Kačana lekcijai atradu lielisku rakstu tieši par zinātni.
"Blind commitment to a theory is not an intellectual virtue: it is an intellectual crime. [..] The cognitive value of a theory has nothing to do with its psychological influence on people's minds. Belief, commitment, understanding are states of the human mind. But the objective, scientific value of a theory is independent of the human mind which creates it or understands it. Its scientific value depends only on what objective support these conjectures have in facts."

Uzskatīt, ka zinātne ir tāda pati akla, neracionāla, nepārbaudīta ticība kā reliģijas vai kādi citi nepārbaudāmi uzskati, nozīmē nesaprast, kas vispār ir zinātne, jo tai ar jebkāda veida ticību nav nekāda sakara.
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