Chambre avec vue

January 21st, 2009

02:45 pm - Es slīdēju pa slidotavu....

Stefans Lambjels sacensībās vairs nestartēs. Un es jau grasījos izvilkt saulītē viņa ģīmetni ar autentisko autogrāfu un piekārt vecajā vietā pie sienas! (Šņuk.) Skumjas, ak skumjas māc manu sirdi.

Stéphane: "The past few weeks I’ve never been able to train 100%. To be able to win a title, this is necessary, however. 90% is not enough. To win is only possible when one is fully fit and able to give 100% of one’s capability. My body and my health didn’t allow this any longer." He adds that the new judging system demands the athletes be in amazing shape.

Stéphane: "I hope everyone understands that after winning gold at Worlds twice and silver at the Olympic Games, I aim for nothing less than gold medals." He will not quit skating completely and will still be participating in shows.

Mēs saprotam, Stefan. Mēs, patiesi ģībstošie, saprotam.
Skat, un kena-puika Džefrijs Batls arī! Viss. Tagad savas smilkstošās cerības svinīgi uzkrauju Braienam Žubēram.
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