Chambre avec vue

October 5th, 2008

02:05 am

Beidzot ir kāds, kurš mani internetā noliek "pie ratiem" - diskusijās ar fizikas studentu par Reālo/Pastāvošo un Nereālo/Neesošo es atpalieku gan argumentācijas, gan loģikas ziņā. Ak, sociālās zinātnes.

11:27 pm - Gribu

It's a totally predatory business. You've got to have nerves of steel, because if you miss your slot or fail to get something everybody knows you've screwed up. It's a public humiliation. You can't carry someone who really doesn't know what they're doing, because it can go so horribly wrong. You rely on everyone, they all have to be good. And it's very competitive. It can be fraught sometimes - tempers flare because of the pressure, but everyone makes up afterwards. /E. Hoskyns/
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