17 October 2018 @ 04:35 pm
Redzēju sapnī garas, skaistas saulespuķes, kas novērsa uzmanību no skumja notikuma  
The sunflower has developed unique meanings across the world as it spreads in the modern age, but many cultures share similar views of the flower thanks to its physical characteristics. Some of the most common meanings include:

  • Long life, mainly since most varieties stand in full bloom for months on end during the hottest days of summer
  • Feelings of adoration, admiration, and platonic love towards a person, such as a family member or friend
  • Loyalty and strong bonds between two people, as represented by the strong and upright stem
  • Seeking out positivity and strength, as the bloom turns to face the sun
  • Nourishing yourself and others, since the sunflower produces an abundance of edible seeds
  • Brightening your mood, through the vibrancy of the yellow or orange petals
  • Good luck and lasting happiness, especially in the Chinese culture
P.S. Vispār jau sapnis arī tiešā veidā norādīja, ka man trūkst stingras gribas vai spēka pateikt un izrādīt to, ko es gribu vai negribu. Un arī saulespuķes simbolizē to pašu. Pat ja ne tik burtiski visam ticu, par sliktu nenāk atcerēties, ka par daudz ko arī pamatīgi jācīnās. Arī par saviem sapņiem. Un nav jābaidās no konfrontācijas ar citiem. "Dreaming of sunflower foretells that the dreamer needs a strong will and more self confidence to increase his happiness."
17 October 2018 @ 07:44 pm
Reizēm šķiet, ka mana dzīve ir kā šausmu filma, kur galvenā varone pamazām nojūdzas, jo realitāte viņas apziņā kļūst pārāk izkropļota.