Tuesday, December 19th, 2006
10:34a - flash help
Sveiki daargie, par Marcomedia Flash jautaajums, - a var kautkaa exporteejot movie uzreiz automaatiski visiem tekstu saturoshajiem objektiem uztaisiit outlainus, vai kaa to Flash sauc par "Break apart"? -
paldies, protams, ja var, tad kaa!? =]
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10:56a - Zīmējot pirmo lielo ielas plakātu...
Do the matchbox trick Test whether your poster will work at a distance by shrinking it into the format of a matchbox. Keep this at an arm´s length. Did you get the message? If so, you have succeeded.
Visibility - making the most of visual communication outdors (Clear Channel Baltics & Russia AB, .pdf)
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