LīgaMelodija - December 28th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 28th, 2010

[Dec. 28th, 2010|11:06 am]
[skan |Royksopp - What Else Is There]

mani vajā kāda sajūta tā nāk pie manis sapņos un pirkstgalus kutina tu saki ka sega par īsu bet es zinu es zinu tā tava aiziešana kas piesien mani zemei
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[Dec. 28th, 2010|10:06 pm]
[skan |The Rescue - Take My Heart With You]

Waited a hundred years to see your face,
And I would wait a hundred more
If only to be near you,
To have you and to hear you.
Isn't that what time is for?

I sailed a thousand ships in search of you.
Traveled to distant land.
I dove for sunken gold.
I took what I could hold,
But you're still the greatest treasure I've held in my hands.

My love, the reason I survive,
Trust we'll be together soon.
Should our fire turn to dark,
Take my heart with you.

A tattered photograph my pocket holds.
I keep you secretly.
I studied every line.
You're etched upon my mind
For not a million soldiers could take you from me.

My love, the reason I survive
Trust we'll be together soon
Should our fire turn to dark,
Take my heart with you.

[ viewing | December 28th, 2010 ]
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