My Litany of Crushed Hopes and Dreams
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in depressio's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, August 25th, 2005
    7:39 pm
    Dinner for one
    I grilled up some zucchini last night and, oh man, that was a good meal. Grilling vegetables by oneself on an old grill outside by the trashcans can be the most pleasant of dining experiences. It's like I always say, "Food should be consumed in the most depressing way possible."

    Current Mood: Zonked
    Current Music: Mr. Mom - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
    Wednesday, August 24th, 2005
    9:49 pm
    A New Pain
    Today a friend asked me to help him with his whistling, so I kept trying to explain to him how to do it, but he wasn't getting it. He finally just punched me on the side of my knee and said, "Whistle this." I don't know what that means. The punch didn't really hurt, so that was good. But then I told him that the punch didn't hurt. That was a mistake. Then he got his brother to punch me on the side of my knee. That one hurt. A lot. I started to elevate my mind so I wouldn't be able to feel the pain, but I decided that feeling the pain was better than feeling nothing at all. I have given the pain in my knee a name. I call him, "Kreigh."

    Current Mood: Devoid
    Current Music: The Smiths - Meat Is Murder
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