- 3/9/20 07:52 pm
Dažādiem sociālo parādību un psiholoģijas ekspertiem šitā tualetes papīra mānija kā reiz ir "interesants gadījums" un visi metas analizēt:
Veselības un sociālā darba eksperts: "Toilet paper symbolises control. We use it to “tidy up” and “clean up”. It deals with a bodily function that is somewhat taboo. When people hear about the coronavirus, they are afraid of losing control. And toilet paper feels like a way to maintain control over hygiene and cleanliness."
Katastrofu menedžmenta eksperts: "My suspicion is that it is to do with how people react to stress: they want an element of comfort and security. Stocking up on toilet paper is also a relatively cheap action, and people like to think that they are “doing something” when they feel at risk."
Biznesa skolas eksperts: "I think this is just a preparation process, because we have seen that toilet paper has become a shortage item elsewhere."
Medicīnas zinātnes eksperts: "People are scared, and they’re bunkering down. They’re buying what they need and one of the items is toilet paper. I think we’re noticing the toilet paper more than the other things because toilet paper packs are big items that take up a lot of shelf space. Seeing a small product sold out at the supermarket (such as hand sanitiser) is not that unusual, and it’s only a small hole in the shelf that is often temporarily filled with nearby products. But if there’s not a roll of toilet paper, then that’s pretty frustrating for everyone. Sure, tissues or paper towels, but it’s not quite the same, is it?"
Un tamlīdzīgi...
Mums pamazām slēdz skolas vienu pēc otras, citas jau atkal vaļā.
Par katru jauno zināmo gadījumu sociālajos medijos uzreiz parādās informācija: vecums, no kurienes, kā inficējies, ar cikiem ir bijis potenciāli riskants kontakts, kādi mēri pieņemti u.t.t. Publicē arī visus lidojumu numurus, ar kuriem saslimušie ir lidojuši un tās sēdekļu rindas, kas ir ar lielāko risku - lai ļaudis paši izolējas un piesakās. Pagaidām vēl gadījumu skaits ir pietiekoši zems, ka to var veikt. Bet nu jau ir vairāki neizskaidroti inficēšanās gadījumi, kas nozīmē, ka vairs visu apzināt nevar.