- 3/4/20 03:39 pm
>> If a mask is not tested and approved as a legitimate N95 respirator by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), it’s not going to do much to stop the new coronavirus from reaching your mouth or nose.
Šī vispār ir pērle. Ja nu maska ir saražota pēc standartiem, bet tikai nav iegūts NIOSH sertifikāts, tad tā būs tikpat efektīva.
Tāpat šis ir ļoti svarīgs punkts:
At most, such a mask may make it harder for you to touch your nose and mouth, a common way of infecting yourself with viruses...
Tātad maskām ir pozitīva nozīme pat kā butaforijām. Case closed.