- Mani vienmēr ir sajūsminājušas kultūras atšķirības.
- 1/22/07 02:16 pm
Deepak Adhikari (31 gadus vecs Nepal Weekly žurnālists):
Finally, time has come to tie the knot. After thirty one years of solitary existence, at this juncture of life, a woman is entering my life to share my fate. One to whom am going to swear lifelong devotion.
I am a staunch believer in the institution called marriage. When I broke this news to my editor, he remarked: "Ah, it's amazing for a person like you to approve your parent's selection (of bride)." "Yes, I followed the tradition," I said. He congratulated me. Then, I told myself: I'm just reversing the love sequence. People first fall in love and then tie the knot. I wish to marry and then fall in love for the lifetime.
P.S. Es lasu Nepālas žurnālistu blogus, jo tie sniedz daudz labāku priekšstatu par tur notiekošo, nekā oficiālās publikācijas, kuras tiek pamatīgi cenzētas.
Kas laikam jau ir normāla mūsdienu parādība.