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On The Culture Ship - March 17th, 2015
Talking to the Ship's AI interface
Name: Havelock

Age: 24

Ethnicity: Asian

Height: 1.58 cm

Skills: A capable if somewhat daring engineer. Weaponry is his passion and he could tinker with them till the end of the world came to knock on the door. He also undertakes other mechanical jobs, such as, vehicle repairs, generators, has mat equipment, etc.

Weapons: 1 old kukri knife, handed down from father to son for over 7 generations, it's hilt worn out so much it has lost all colour. But the blade - the blade is still sharp like Kali's enraged stare, cut's through Reds armour, sausage and knots with an equal sharpness.
1 customised energy rifle witch, from the outside, looks completely normal, but has this small adjustment next to the Pulse Emitter - a microscaled scatter pattern chip, allowing the weapon to have a second emission level that produces an uninterrupted energy wave; it starts as a small spread from the gun and goes up to 3m coverage and 5 m range. Admittedly, this way the gun can be only used 3 times, at most, before it is fried beyond repair.

Sexual Orientation: gay

Relationship/romantic interests: none at the moment

Family members: Has an older sister who, at the moment, is somewhere on the inside of the last city on Earth. She is a member of resistance and has worked on its behalf for Reds for the last 4 years. He sees her rarely, mostly receiving cryptic messages on weird things like a lid from a tin can, detached doll's leg or, best case scenario, half broken bricks.

Bio: Havelock and his sister, Karen, had pretty much been on their own as long as they can remember. Karen is the only one, or so she says, who knows what happened with their parents and to this day she refuses to speak about it. As far as Hav is concerned, he has thought of all the possibilities - killed by Reds, starved to death, accidental death, killed by Reds, lost, hiding, killed - and it didn't matter anymore. They were not there, he did not remember them and the only person he ever cared about was Karen.
They both had drifted from one settlement to another, sometimes crushing in small cities, other times in the middle of nowhere. It was somewhat of a miracle that they had survived the travel from where once had been Bangor to the new city of Haven. In the beginning they travelled with other groups, being only 7 and 10 years old. Then, as the time and land passed, on occasion they would split off and there would be just the two of them under the uncaring sky. 8 years passed before they first saw The Haven.
Before, while on the road, what they had mostly seen was the aftermath of destruction, consequences of resistance. ''People effect'' Karen had called it. And Haven was not better. The war had lasted for so long that people had become more supportive of others, more helpful. And then, on the other black hand, they had also become more depraved, greedier, vicious. It was not a fertile soil for young minds and bodies. All of a sudden every single horror was wrapped in one big ball of insanity and dropped on their heads.
Madam Wong found them starving in a drain and set them up as her new recruits. Of course, it was in a brothel. Next year was the most horrifying and traumatizing in Havelock's life. No dead bodies, piles of blood, bombs and violence stands next to what he had to do in that awful place. But, no more of that, because Karen, once again, got them both out of there after 13 month and joined MARS. It was on the upraise and every free person wanted to join. They actually did. It was debatable whether it as the best choice for them, but it was definitely best than Madam's basement.
As soon as they were fed, both were put to good use. Karen became a spotter for looters and Havelock became an apprentice for the old engineer Blau. Brother and sister started to spend more and more time apart which was more difficult for Hav than Karen, but they managed to grow up more or less normal. Then again, Karen did go back into the city to be MARS's eyes and ears while Havelock became more excited about guns than guys.
When Blau was killed in Reds attack, Havelock was 18 and took it like a man. He cried for one night and the next day took the old man's dirty apron, put on his old face guard and started working like nothing had changed. Since that incident the base took better care for their engineers and, although everybody had to be able to fight and defend, the small group of what could pass for technicians these days, were never put in first lines anymore. Especially Havelock, the young man himself kept away from confrontations, but was also given more slack because of his ingenious abilities to modify Reds weapons.

Personality: This young man is a very passionate person. When he talks about engineering his eyes lit up, he smiles and delivers one thought over the previous one, cutting himself off in the middle of a sentence because he finally arrived at the solution for dispersing mechanisms overheating or a hot guy walked by. He is attentive and distractible, curious and weary, impatient yet cautious - there are many more polarities that should not be present in one and the same person, but he makes it work.
Havelock doesn't like violence, one more of his quirks, so he spends most of his time somewhere in a bunker or hanger, under a hood of some ancient 4x4 or tinkers with a new experimental part for Reds weaponry. To be honest, since the time he had the bombing accident, he has not been anywhere near a serious confrontation. Or dead people. Or blood.

Appearance: this world was kind to no one. And Hav had not been an exception. His frame was fragile from birth so he had to work twice as hard not be the slowest or weakest. Boy's muscle mass is a laughing matter, compared to some of his friends, but he gets by. Instead Hav is flexible and can curve his body through incomprehensibly small or difficult places.
The sides of his head are shaved and only the middle carries long strands of black hair, usually gathered in a messy bun or a braid. The other reason, besides cooling effect, why Hav shaves most of his head, are the tattoos that run from his shoulders up his neck and disappear into the hair just above his ears. Those, like the kukri, are part of his heritage and represent connection between one's body, mind and soul. On a first glance it looks like a mess of black and green twines but upon further inspection they revel to be thick ribbons covered in old language from one end to the other. He has never told anyone, even his sister, what those word mean.
If that is not enough, another rather memorable part of his appearance is his left eye that was damaged in an explosion a few years ago. Doc tried his best and restored boys vision but the pigmentation had already started to leak into the iris and, after stopping that, left his eye half greenish half original brown. The rest of his complexion is normal and tanned when he is not covered in some questionable grease from head to toe.
User: [info]dead_god
Name: Sonde