tikai tapeec ka muti nevar aizveert... - October 1st, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
boHemian baStard

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October 1st, 2004

[Oct. 1st, 2004|03:05 pm]

I am Diarrhea .

Diarrhea's are by far the most humorous of all the shits going for the big laugh at all costs. From fart jokes to slapstick humor Diarrhea's are know for pulling out the stops when it comes to shits and giggles... though Diarrhea's do have their down sides.. And like the sad clowns they are, Diarrhea's are actually dying inside and prone to suicide and even murder...
What Kinda Shit Are You?
link6 izlamaajaas|nogaaniities

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