Date ended: 2003-10-07 16:20's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Date ended: 2003-10-07 16:20

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[09 May 2003|03:01pm]
It`s not what you say, it is what you mean.

Sex and lights,
It's totally chill,
you could really have fun,
with this little pill.

Which drug should you be hooked on? [now with pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla
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[09 May 2003|08:28pm]
Tagad no modes ir izgājusi savu džournalu dzēšana, tagad ir modē komjūnitiji. Wiii, pedo, martini people, x-comjunitii un paareejaas.
Jebkurš, kurš ir gana godkāres gribošs var uztaisīt savaa vai citaa vaardaa esošu komjunitiju un būt lokālais Dievs.
Cik ļoti gan tas viss ir pohuj visiem.
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[ viewing | May 9th, 2003 ]
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