12:50 · press · return

February 24th, 2011

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"The way the light hits the road, the way I am unable to protect you. Oh I'm running away, I will never forgive myself for running away from you. My dreams, dreams of violence, see them coming true."
iesēdās galvā un vairs nenāk ārā.. bet es nebēgšu.. ne šoreiz
galvā skan:
Kataonia - Criminals
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let's fuck things up! let's get dirty let's get mess! let's punch the wall with our naked fists! let's gather frustration and let it all out!
acīs zib:
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O es esmu maza riebīga raganiņa.. tiesa kas tiesa *giggle* un vēl es esmu blēņdaris meža gariņš ;)
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