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Monday, August 29th, 2005

    Time Event
    Nepabeigtības sajūta
    Lai sasniegtu īstās sajūtas (tās, kurās paliek brīva telpa), ir svarīgi apstāties. Nepabeigtība rosina iztēli, pārāk liela tuvība ierauj jau iepriekš konstruēta scenārija ciklā.
    Ekshibicionisms mākslā, varbūt arī Cibā
    The unobtained love is what transforms itself into the aggressivity that is typical of all these actions, events, photo-sequences and performances. It is also redirected to other versions of the self, and the self is doubled, camouflaged, and idealized. It is turned into the love of the romance of the self. This avid need for love becomes narcissism in the fetus that we continue to be, but to be loved in this way is the only power that might once again give sense to the lives of so many of us. /Lea Vergine "Body Art and Performance, The Body Language”/

    Narcissus projects himself outside in order to be able to love what is inside of himself. The search for a partner, and vice versa. One is alone, and not only alone, but also separate; one dissimulates simulation (Nagasawa, Dan Gramham). /Lea Vergine "Body Art and Performance, The Body Language”/

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