(no subject)

Sep. 24th, 2011 | 10:16 pm

You: wtf :D
You: curry is good!
Stranger: SHUT UP
Stranger: BITCH
Stranger: Don't disagree with THE MASTER.
You: ur so rude, i bet sex with u is like sadomazo
Stranger: HAHA. Nah, I'd make you my bitch though.
Stranger: We'll put it that way
You: i bet u have no friends
You: internet is not a friend
Stranger: I do actually, lots more than you might think.
You: i said.
Stranger: I'm one fuckin cool guy... I'd rock your socks off
Stranger: without you even knowin it.
Stranger: oh and btw, ladies are dying to get in bed wit me.. so yeah blow me. K shush :P
You: so miserable that already stealin' socks?
Stranger: Oh yeah.
Stranger: that's what that meant.
Stranger: Aren't you an intellect when it comes to figuring out figurative language
You: ur trying to be funny huh?
Stranger: I'm hilarious.
Stranger: without trying.
You: lying to yourself will not make u happier :)
Stranger: haha you think you're funny?
Stranger: you dumb british whore I'd beat the shit outta you.
You: didnt said anything like that
You: why do u think im british?
Stranger: wait.
Stranger: you're canadian
You: although it would be awesome
Stranger: american?
You: haha
You: not even close
You: u never guess
Stranger: australian?
You: nope
Stranger: croatian?
You: lol, no,
Stranger: swedish?
You: a bit closer but no
Stranger: dutch?
You: nope
Stranger: German
You: no :D
Stranger: haha Finnish?
Stranger: Norwegian?
Stranger: I dunno
You: no
Stranger: OH
Stranger: Denmark
You: down from norway
Stranger: You're Dannish.
You: nope
Stranger: Um
Stranger: Lithuania?
You: sooo closeeeeeeeee
Stranger: Latvia?
You: yes :)
You: ;DD
Stranger: haha damn. That's crazy man
You: thats far and thats very little
Stranger: yeah it's pretty far.
You: u can close ur map
You: ;D
Stranger: Where do you think I'm from?
Stranger: I didn't have one open tbh :P
You: hm
Stranger: I was just thinking of countries and guessing haha
You: croatian?
Stranger: No
You: but u guessed it right?
Stranger: yeah but I'm not croatian.
You: finnish?
Stranger: No
You: german]
Stranger: nope
You: american?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: you got it 3rd try good job haha
You: ;DD
Stranger: so what do you do
Stranger: wait how old are you dude?

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(no subject)

Sep. 24th, 2011 | 10:25 pm

[22:23:01] Džanna: visi man sāk rakstīt tikai tad, kad es eju gulēt. :( visu dienu truli nosēdēju bez jebkādām dzīvības pazīmēm un vakarā sākas NY city :(
[22:23:18] Pūcīgs lauvaslāča kungs: :D
[22:23:23] Pūcīgs lauvaslāča kungs: varēji man uzrakstīt
[22:23:29] Pūcīgs lauvaslāča kungs: man tas pats bija :|
[22:23:45] Džanna: es tak neredzēju, ka kāds online, notrulinātas smadzenes ;D
[22:23:51] Pūcīgs lauvaslāča kungs: :D:D
[22:23:54] Pūcīgs lauvaslāča kungs: rītārd
[22:23:54] Pūcīgs lauvaslāča kungs: :D
[22:23:58] Džanna: jep
[22:24:57] Džanna: un tagad vecāki saka- o em dzi tu tak visu dienu pie pc, ko tu tur dari? ( tieši tajā momentā, kad man tumblr atvērtas kailbildes un iet vaļā omegle čats ar 32gadīgu koreieti.) -skatos bildītes, sarakstos, u know.

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