
Aug. 18th, 2011 | 11:59 am

beidzot es esmu pabeigusi kursu un esmu brīvībā. lieliski uzsākta dzīve dzīvoklī, kurā, ja tu ej uz tualeti un nevēlies, lai kāds tevi iztraucētu, ir jādzied "poda dziesma", jo tualetei durvju nav.

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Aug. 18th, 2011 | 01:15 pm

Question to discuss:
what do you think of the this new function?
Stranger: its alright
Stranger: get rid of the spam though
You: I think it would be better if the third person could chat too
Stranger: yeah 3 way chat
Stranger: and 3 way cam chat
Stranger: and maybe like a 1 minute waiting time before you could disconnect
You: :D yes, and then you need to wait 1 minute while a guy is jerking off, okay :D
Stranger: hmmm maybe not
Stranger: maybe you can blur their cam but cant disconnect for a min
You: :D
You: but you cant blur your cam and get rid of those thoughs about a guy jerking off watching you :D
Stranger: yeh -_-
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Aug. 18th, 2011 | 10:27 pm

"Laba diena Anna.
Vēlejos tev paprasīt vai gadījuma pēc tu nespēj tikt klāt DMT vai kvalitatīvām sēnēm?>" lielisks jautājums cilvēkam, kurš tikko iznācis no rehabilitācijas centra ;D vai man vieniigajai tas liekas ironiski? ;D

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