
November 24th, 2009

09:59 pm

- Let`s pretend this coffee is champagne!
-Why would we do that?
- Well, to celebrate life!

opinions are like assholes- everybody has them.
/brian molko/

when the power of love overcomes the love of power, world will know peace.
/jimi hendrix/

if you care about what other people think, you will always be their prisoner.
/james frey/

doesn`t matter if you loved the person or hated them, if they dump you, you yearn for them and miss them and love them and feel all the shit you didn`t probably feel when you were with them. it`s stupid and crazy, but that`s the way it is.
/james frey/

un arī šeit man šos gribējās ielikt. :)
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