Friday, December 10th, 2021


Manuprāt, saientologiem nav ne vainas. Mēs visi (pasaules kultūras) kaut kādā mērā aizraujamies ar citplanētiešu, vampīru un vilkaču pielūgsmi. O.T.O., piemēram, ir Aiwass.

Ja saientologi atsakas no emocijām un sensuālisma, kādus sapņus viņi ar jauniegūtajiem ieročiem grasās īstenot? Vispasaules robotikas forumu?
Manuprāt, ideja ir tāda, ka ikvienam ir tas augstākais Es, kurš ir jāsasniedz, bet tas nedrīkst būt balstīts uz traumatiku. Interesanti, kā tas sasaucas ar doktrīnām, kur iniciācijas un pārtapšanas procesi ir sāpīgi, lai neteiktu vairāk. Pavisam vienkārši - remember The Greater Good. Which is... A secret, probably.

Dianetic auditing is one way by which the Scientologist may progress toward the Clear state, winning gradual freedom from the reactive mind's engrams and acquiring certainty of his or her reality as a thetan.[124] David V. Barrett, a sociologist of religion who has written widely about the subject, says that according to Scientology, the "first major goal is to go Clear." Clearing was described to represent "the attainment of Man's dreams through the ages of attaining a new and higher state of existence and freedom from the endless cycle of birth, death, birth … Clear is the total erasure of the reactive mind from which stems all the anxieties and problems the individual has."
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