He, tikko noskatījos filmu "Accepted", šķiet 2006.gadā uzņemta...jā, pareizi.Nu vot, un patiesībā baigi normālā likās. Sākumā domāju, ka būs galīgs mēsls, bet nekā. Varbūt nedaudz velk uz pīrāgiem, bet šitai filmai vismaz ir kkāc sižets (nu labi, labi it kā jau visām ir). Starpcitu tā ir komēdija, kurā galvenais varonis Bartleby Gaines (kas tas par vārdu?) netiek uzņemts nevienā koledžā un , lūk, tad nu viņam rodas spožā ideja, ka vajag uzčinīt feikotu universitāti. Protams, beigās viss tiek atklāts un beidzas arī viss laimīgi :) Bet nu tā diezgan rēcīga, taču ar nelielu absurda piegaršu :P ja kas, iesaku tiem, kas beidz 12.klasi
Šeku, reku pāris labi citāti:
Freaky Student: I want to learn how to blow up shit with my mind.
Uncle Ben: [to Dean Van Horne] Why don't you take your PhD and stick it up your A-S-S!
Glen: [Seeing the cobweb infested kitchen for the first time] This kitchen is bitchin.
Girl: Can you sign a copy of your book for me. I got it on ebay.
Uncle Ben: They sell my shit on ebay?
Guy: You wrote a book?
Uncle Ben: Yeah, that was back when I was drinking.
Šeku, reku pāris labi citāti:
Freaky Student: I want to learn how to blow up shit with my mind.
Uncle Ben: [to Dean Van Horne] Why don't you take your PhD and stick it up your A-S-S!
Glen: [Seeing the cobweb infested kitchen for the first time] This kitchen is bitchin.
Girl: Can you sign a copy of your book for me. I got it on ebay.
Uncle Ben: They sell my shit on ebay?
Guy: You wrote a book?
Uncle Ben: Yeah, that was back when I was drinking.
Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: American Idiot
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