šķeļot viļņus - 20. Jūlijs 2008
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Subject:Jason Louv: Mokshadelica
There’s a lot of Lame Stuff in the world. Yes, in all likelihood there probably
are twelve old men in a room somewhere chartering world politics in minute detail.
But who says you and your friends, hanging out around a campire for a weekend,
can’t be just as effective? The biggest conspiracy, after all, is perpetrated by all of us,
when we agree to be afraid of each other, to separate ourselves into subgroups by
belief and inclination. It’s just stories, and do you really want to live in the story that
a bunch of bankers came up with? Might work for them, but the only reason we have
to live in it is because we’ve been too lazy to be that creative also.
Here's one question: Is God real? See, I know the answer to that with
absolute certainty, and so do you. God is reading this right now.
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šķeļot viļņus - 20. Jūlijs 2008
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