Geezers Need Excitement - June 30th, 2003 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
tims teleskops

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June 30th, 2003

failed on the first sight [Jun. 30th, 2003|04:33 pm]
fucking struggling all in vain!
es vinju shodien nesatikshu. blaa, tas ir stulbi. kaut arii visa muusu pieredze ir tikai paaris stundas. kaut arii vinja mani nepaziist.

tomeer viena no skaistaakajaam vecriigas meiteneem.

blin, es neesmu es
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current state of mind [Jun. 30th, 2003|04:52 pm]
"All relationships are emptying and temporary" / Mansun:Legacy

shodien pirmdiena. jaasaak jau shovakar. vasara tomeer.
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sorry mates [Jun. 30th, 2003|08:40 pm]
mainu izskatu. neskaties. ej aaraa. naac atpakalj riit, pariit. paldies
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