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Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

    Time Event
    It's all good.
    Variation on a Nightmare: Woke up screaming after a dream-snake descended upon my head at 2:15 this morning. Because spiders are so passe, my subconscious mind decided to up the ante and go reptilian. (This is the second dream involving snakes that I've had this week. Sunday's feature presentation involved me witnessing Steve Irwin's death by python, then being appointed head of his post-mortem archival team and subsequently dumped by Jon, after the latter became jealous of my new career. The dream ended with me introducing my new boyfriend - Miss Jay from America's Next Top Model - to my parents. With [deity] as my witness, I am not making a single syllable of this up.) Goddamn, I need an exorcism.But I digress. The Joy of NathanWoke up early on Saturday morning with the intent to visit my neighborhood's farmer's market. Midway through what was otherwise a very pleasant stroll, the skies opened and I found myself involuntarily participating in a wet tee-shirt contest. Regardless, hell hath no fury like a determined(/hungry) Rachel; I kept walking and loaded myself up with fresh apples, string beans, cilantro, jalapeno peppers, kale and my very first eggplant...Me, with Eggplant and New(ish) Bangs...which I proceeded to eat.Get in mah belly!Spent the remainder of my luscious rainy Saturday baking almond biscotti and knitting my Orangina, which - while not the most flattering garment to date - brings me joy, as it's my first lace piece. Behold my incredible vanishing curves! Lace DetailLater that evening, finally made it to the new Rock and Roll Hotel (Grand Opening #5) with Nina, where we met up with Christina and Sarah and danced our little arses off until 3:00a the next morning. En route home, the following conversation transpired:NINA: I'm drunk! (accusatory) You're going to put this in your LiveJournal, aren't you? You're going to write "Nina was drunk!" and everyone will think that I was drunk.RACHEL: I would never do that.Woke up with a bit of a hangover ("Rachel was drunk!") a scant handful of hours later. Ah, well. Nina and I indulged in fabulous vegan brunch (veg-chili over scrambled tofu and topped with soy cheddar...ideal) at Asylum and subsequently off-loaded some old clothes at the Mustard Seed. I sold $38 worth of stuff and bought $60+ of loveliness home. It's a vicious cycle.Dropped Nina off around 2:30p and arrived home to find an unexpected (but entirely welcome) Jon on my futon, watching the Game Show Network. Despite the overwhelming need to drop trou and let go of a million beer shits (sorry) that very instant, I was delighted. My boy had returned from a few gigs in PA (where his cell phone remains, exact location unknown) earlier that morning and been patiently waiting on my futon ever since. I greeted him with sloppy chili-breath kisses, cue conversation:JON: So, we went to a strip club on Friday night...RACHEL: It's cool. I got smoochie with my friends on Saturday.JON: Well, alright then.Even Stevens. I adore this man.We then proceeded to have what was probably most amazing day of our entire relationship. I can't adequately express it in words, but we were so connected and in sync; it was just...intense and beautiful. I fell even harder in love with Jon that night and - by his own admission - so did he. Absolutely incredible. Abbreviated mush out of respect for your gag reflexes. Instead: Pictures! Pretty!I live in the basement apartment of a gorgeous house built in 1865. We support Linda Cropp!My front door. NSP expresses frustration at being left inside while Mommy takes pictures.From NSP's perspective.The feline has grown weary of this shit and loves on some shoes, instead.Look, bezigebij! I have access to a garden!Suspect that my extended stroll through the rain on Saturday may have resulted in a bit of a cold. The nose runs and the throat aches...so is life. As always, here is the requisite apology for being a shitty LJ'er: I'm sorry. Still without Internet connection at home, still relying on periods of work-slack to catch up on everyone else. I am determined, though...

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