it's a madhouse this modern life - December 26th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 26th, 2010

Dear Universe! [Dec. 26th, 2010|07:19 am]
[Tags|, , , ]
[mood | bouncy]
[music |Muse - Please, please, please]

In 2011 I wish to go to Australia!
Please please please, help me with this!
I'm in love with Australia, penguins, kangaroo, Sydney, nature, Perth and ..Australians.
Rob Swire, would you be my man?
* * *
Dear Universe!
I dream become Mrs. Swire, to live with Rob in London and travel regularly to Australia!
Can you help me with this?

One of my biggest passions - penguins!

And the most perfect man on the Earth..
And anyway - the most beautiful!
* * *

That's funny.. Feel like 14-year-old fan-girl.
But it isn't funny, I really would like to have Rob Swire as my man!
Now you know my biggest secret!
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