elles_meita's Journal
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Monday, June 23rd, 2003

Time:12:51 am.
Mood:jaanji sux.
Music:avril lavigne-things i never say.
holding hands
hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.

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maybe. maybe not. who know's
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Time:3:12 pm.
Mood:nekas īpašs.
Music:lēna dziesma.
un tieši tad kad ir visdrausmīgākaiz noskaņojumz un visizjukušākie plāni..ir tik saulainz laiks ārpusē
neciešami vienkārši
saucās--> "līst kā pa Jāņiem" drīzāk "Spīd sauliite kā pa Jāņiem" bzzzz..
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Subject:vai pelniijusi?!
Time:10:46 pm.
Music:red hot chili peppers.
laikam kaut kaa nezin kaa bet tomeer buushu pelniijusi shaadus jaanjus un vispaar visu kas peedeejaa laikaa notiek, tikai liidz shim nesaprotu par ko tik ljoti...?

p.s. varbuut tieshaam visi sanjem peec nopelniem
(nee. zinu ka dazhs labs/a ir pelniijushi daudz vairaak par mani ehzz. :/)
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elles_meita's Journal

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