elles_meita's Journal
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Thursday, June 5th, 2003

Subject:am i sick. sick of myself.
Time:12:36 am.
Mood:nightmare in da head.
Music:slow one..
bija..izbija..nav..un..nebūs..nekad. nekad vairs.

ps.too crazy nightmare in my head, please somebody switch off my brains. in need for some rest of thinkin. too much of thinkin..better to live without thinkin just doin..
.. being realistic not optimistic & romantic.
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Subject:the world(fucked?)
Time:9:12 pm.
Music:u know which is it.
the world was fucked yesterday
the world is fucked today
no doubt it has already been fucked for tomorrow
so..there will be just fuckin future. no fun around ..then.

bable bable bitch bitch
sex sex sex sex
rebel rebel rebel party
blah blah blah blah & dont forget the violence
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elles_meita's Journal

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