24 September 2010 @ 08:40 pm
Ok laugh it up Bitches!
(By that I meant both genders)
((And anything in between as well, so don't come crying about discrimination to me!))

What I wanted to say is that I can't get out of the head two things.
Those are existencialistic questions.
And feeling that I have completely lost it.
There is also that one Bon Jovi song, but that's beside the point.
So, back to topic.
The question that I can't get out of my head is why?
First of, Why am I asking this thing in the first place?
Why all the good ideas that I get I usually get in some sort of viechle? (i.e. Train, plane bus, car, you name it.)
Also, why every time you get a great idea, a random piece of paper and a pencil dosen't pop up so that you could write down the said idea?
Cause in all honesty, I had like half a dozen plans how to take over the world but forgot all of them cause I didn't have a srap of paper where to write them down.
I did however have a couple of beers that I could down.
So the second question evolved from the first one about twenty minutes after I started thinking about the first question. And I can't say certain I I'm mad or is it just my imagination.
So help me out here.
Should I start renting a padded room or is it still ok for me to go out in the public.
(Although straight jacket does look comfy, at least hands won't be freezing)