the guitar man

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the guitar man


October 30th, 2006

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Today was an interesting day! In 22 hours I have slept only for 2 hours.. I stayed up all night and at about 7am went to sleep for 2 hours before dragging myself out of bed, showering, dressing, eating breakfast, drinking large quantities of coffee and gathering my belongings to head for Church. Today was my friends Baptism and I had to be there.

The Baptism was nice, really special and I could see how emotionaly moved my friend was. Afterwards we ate a buffet that was prepared for us and I had chance to catch up with some of the friends who had travelled up North to witness the Baptism in our Church. So nice to see Zoe, Andy, Steve, Ruth and Ben again! After many saussage rolls and chocolate cakes we headed back to Rach's house for a game of poker and to play various games. Was totally a great day :)

October 27th, 2006

I have klab!!

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Ok, so I finally got this Klab blog page.. Im still knew to it and need to make the page all funky and pretty and add all u cool friends! SO bare with me! Jus writtin this blog to get things goin.

So today I didnt sleep all night and at 12 lunchtime decided I wanted sleep!! so I slept for 3 hours and now here I am! Suprisingly I wasnt tired when I woke up. They say u sleep in patterns of 3 hours so maybe thats something to do with it..

Ok, Ill update this site soon when I have the basics down!
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