- x-mas comes :)
- 11/9/05 03:51 pm
Yesteday sth speciall happened.
It makes me think how life is interesting and how many fantastic things can just happen and how much actually depends on us - ourselves.
Christmas is a really important day for me - 'cause we are celerbating it with my family all together. It is usually so nice, ground is covered by snow, we have x-mas tree and millions of presents. One of us is dressed like a Santaclause and gives others the presents. We have to sing - or tell jokes - or somehow to present ourselves to get presents. I love to deocorate x-mas tree and a house, to make that speciall atmoshpere.hm.. it's perfect. and kind of - so much inside our family.
This year it will be the same but with a small difference. We will have our speciall guest who originally comes from Philippines. He is of course from HC and wanted to spend 24;25/12 at LV. I told him it' s impossible - nobody could host him at this time.
But then accidentaly my mom phoned me, I told her about this case and she said - hey! he could come to us! it would be nice and interesting! I adore my mom - how can be such an amazing person?? later on I asked - what did dad say about it? she said: dad just said: ok - how many there will be of them?? They are amazing.
So we already have a plan to present him national Latvian kitchen on x-mas evening and he will present to us Philippinian kitchen on 25/12. It IS amazing.
Oh, those latvians, it's all about eating :) - Current Music: Heaven must be missing an angel
Current Mood: bouncy