biezpienmaize - October 19th, 2006
October 19th, 2006
- to Chris
- 10/19/06 11:39 am
- Look, I started to read that book of Mandino and it is mad because I have to read it 9 months. It is a mad book and I want to read it the way it is ment to read. To get maximum value out of it. I have to read charpters one by one repeating one for 30 days and only then go to next chapter :). But it is really inspiring and cute. Will be only better if I do what they say. Today I found a cite in this my book which some time ago one guy from my group at course sent us and it was such a nice words and i wondered where did he get it from! I even wrote it in my diary-agenda (dont do usually). And now this cite came to me - I found it in that book!!! hey that means the guy is reading it and I wonder how far is he now, (which chapter) coz he sent that in summer. He sent it because he became a European chempion in one sports and sent us that he wan because every day based on those cites. wow i thought it is so impressing and I found them now! :)) Hey I wil be a champion also soon then! :))))
Current Music: incoming sms's :)
Current Mood: nervous
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