biezpienmaize - July 20th, 2006
July 20th, 2006
- London # week after :)
- 7/20/06 05:18 pm
- mmmmmmmmmmm what a heat!
Yesterday it was 38 C !!! God , but good for preparing to my Moroco trip. :) So - whats new ?
First shock was when I got in the car. At first when I came to car I heard: from the other side , darling. oh - right!! wicked! ;) I had to sit in the place of driver but don' t have to drive. And then it began whoooooooo hooooooooooooooooo driving ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE. IN EVERY CROSSROADS i FELT LIKE WE WILL JUST SMASH . wow yeah - this traffic difference has had some of my nerves :) ANd now I am almost used to it. And how fast do they drive!! ok, perhaps, it is only my darling who does that :P and I like it ;) mmm :D
So other things - it is also amusing about allllllll the sizes :) MIles, foots, etc etc :)
But it is ok. Yesterday I went to SOHO. Till now it is the only place I felt like in home :) Will come back there. For sure.
Tomorrow is clubbing night :P
mmmmm :P :P
cheers, mate :D
Current Music: Zola Vitkovskaia :)
Current Mood: cheerful
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