biezpienmaize - July 11th, 2006
July 11th, 2006
- London
- 7/11/06 07:42 pm
- Mmmm.. My first day in London and what have I done? U know - the main 2 new things for me is that they have HUGE birds here. Normal pidgeon is not like I was supposed to see and except as normal pidgeone :) here it is heaps more huge :D. And the 2nd main thing is that I fn am helpless when it becomes for me that I have to cross the street. How the fk do they do it?? Just go whichewer place or what? In Riga I'd be easelly smashed :) at my first try. Thanks God I am so sooooo goodlooking :D so they stop and I WILL SURVIVE ;)
Current Music: Aphrodite - mmmmmm
Current Mood: crappy
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