biezpienmaize - November 7th, 2005
November 7th, 2005
- winner's diary :)
- 11/7/05 12:36 pm
- Yeah, we 're back from Warsaw. yesterday night I came back in Riga.
I enyoed Warsaw a lot it is a nice city to visit. We had a nice guide there, his name is Lukasz and he showed us the pubs.
In the festival we got 3rd place, which is really not bad, but we deserve more :)). We wanted to come back with gold, :) but it is really ok. 'cause the winners were really fantastic.
But the most amazing about this trip was Saturdays night, after the contest. I wanted to stay in the city so much but my choir mates didn't allow it to me, they said we should move to the hotel. I was annoyed about it, but I just couldn't imagine what will happen there.. In our hotel stayed also a choir from Libana and we met them there. The result was that we were partying all night long, just singing and chatting, smoking their waterpipes and being amazed by each other. Their maestro teached us one song and we sang it together. We knew so much about their life, their politics, about Muslim and Christianity. And they were so opened and friendly. Really - amazing people.
They gave us their national flag and wanted to give me their waterpipe, but somehow I didn't take it. It is sad 'cause I 'd love to smoke it here. And now I look different to Arab music. It is so beautiful.. My views have expanded more after this trip. It was amazing..
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