biezpienmaize - November 2005
- 1st
- 10:47 am: gin-tonic horror - 2 comments
- 2nd
- 09:20 am: national costume and fish stuff
12:11 pm: (c) from friends mail to another friend... - 1 comment
- 3rd
- 09:39 am: Today leaving to Poland - a challenge to pack my bags - 1 comment
- 7th
- 12:36 pm: winner's diary :)
- 8th
- 10:36 am: izsekošanas akts
- 9th
- 03:51 pm: x-mas comes :)
- 10th
- 01:24 pm: crazy about so much having to do!! sth new!!!! - 2 comments
- 11th
- 09:15 am: (no subject) - 3 comments
- 14th
- 05:22 pm: The correction of mistakes
- 15th
- 09:11 am: I can't wait for the weekend to begin!
- 16th
- 10:13 am: copy paste from a mail to friend today
10:48 am: The correction of mistakes
- 22nd
- 03:16 pm: After fiesta
- 24th
- 04:43 pm: my friend is away, meeting lions there, I hope she 'll bring some to me
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