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December 22nd, 2005

10:45 am: kstaķi...Profound Happiness is Only Minutes Away!
What About 12 Step Programs

And Treatment Centers?

Before you spend weeks or months of your life and spend thousands of dollars on intensive recovery program ... give this method a free trial! With this system you have access to a proven, easy solution that you can do in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Plus, it will cost you less than a nice meal for 2!

How Can You Get

7 Days to an Addiction-Free, Fun-Filled Life?
In fact, I want you to start discovering this method RIGHT NOW. That's right no waiting for books to arrive...

I also know that if you don't get this powerful life-changing technology in your hands in the next few minutes... you'll probably never achieve the sobriety you want. I know that sounds harsh, but it's the simple truth. Deep inside you know that's true. So, that's why I told Garyto offer instant access to the system so you can get it IMMEDIATELY! Even it's 4 AM!

Profound Happiness is Only Minutes Away!

How much will it cost? $997? $497? Even at those prices, it would be an incredible deal. In fact, it would be one of the cheapest options. But, Garyis not doing this for the money. He doesn't need the money. He's already financially successful and has a great job.

He just wants to charge enough to cover the cost and to fund new research. That's why it will only cost you $47 if you order within the next 24 hours. After that it will cost $97 or more! Compare that to recovery centers, which costs $2000 or more! All you get is an army of “specialists” in some sterile, isolated medical facility asking you meaningless good-sounding questions.

Since you are probably wondering if this is "for real", Don't make a decision now. Just check it out, try it out, give it a shot. If it's not everything I say, at worst you'll get your money back. Just send me a note within 90 days and Garywill refund your money and YOU CAN STILL KEEP THE SYSTEM! ...

Has Gary Lost His Mind To Offer a

This is easily the boldest guarantee in the history of recovery programs! That’s right! You’re fully protected by Gary's… Iron-Clad 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Current Music: nevar zināt vēl kas atskan

December 21st, 2005

05:37 pm: izrādās...

What's your ideal drug?
created with

Current Mood: domīgs
Current Music: darbaradio kautkur no griestiem
04:57 pm: diena pēc dienas
tā šon vēl 1 diena pagājībā iestaigājusi allmost, nu un šajā vietā pārdomas klāt: laika cilpas /loops, kas it kā jau nodrillēta tēma, liek par sevi manīt. proti, reizēm laiks rit lēnāk, bet citreiz atkal - paātrināti. OK - uztveru, kā lēnāku un ātrāku. bet nu tik izteikti!
un nesakiet ka tas no pīpēšanas;\

Current Mood: lethargic
Current Music: SWH Rock
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