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kā uzlabot garīgo?!
Pirms neilga laika, kad nebiaj ko darīt vilkos nomājslaas uz mājaslapu, vienā atstāju savus dzimšanas datus :D nu ziņkārība moca , tad nu skataties,kas sanāca:

This morning, while I was thinking about your situation, after I read all the details you gave me, I had an amazing vision. At that moment I knew that I needed to personally take care of you. What I saw about you Betany, moved me deeply.

viņas vīzija:

On Saturday, November 15, 2008, I see you receiving some excellent news regarding friendship or romance, (nu nez,var jau būt,ka kaut kas tāds arī bija... neizskatās gan ka turpināsies :D)

On Saturday, November 22, 2008, you will have an exceptional opportunity to change your life,

On Wednesday, November 26, 2008, I see you receiving a significant amount of money,(diez no gaisa sāks krist?)

On Monday, December 01, 2008, you will meet someone unexpectedly and it will turn into a relationship. (wow, sēne par civēku pārvērtīsies :p)

On Thursday, December 04, 2008, you will experience some new luck with money (this is a chance for you to bring wealth into your life…) ( kāds tam tiešām tic? :DDDD)

First of all I will send you my Magical Picture specially magnetized for you by me. As soon as you receive it, it will establish a unique link between you Betany and me, between us.

Finally I will perform for you a long series of mystical ceremonials called High Protection Ceremonials etc.

jautri? gribat arī jūs, es varu padalīties ar saitīti....

Garastāvoklis:: curious

User: [info]betany
Name: betany
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