belochka88's Journal
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Sunday, January 18th, 2009

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    Well, its been an ages and a half since I've last made an entry in here, but after some prompting from Astra, I may begin to post once more. Chances are it'll be political views, since that's what she's been encouraging me to write about. I think she's tired of hearing me rant about the various issues and wants me to broadcast my thoughts to a "wider audience".I'm ambivalent about the idea of a wider audience. Not too many check my page, I'm sure. However, if they do, I'm semi-fearful that my views will be unpopular with them.Unlike a lot of people I talk to these days, I'm generally supportive of the Bush Administration and the war in Iraq. No, I'm not just supportive of the U.S. troops in Iraq; I'm supportive of the war and the administration. In a time where it has become fashionable(at least among the under 30 crowd and college professors) to be anti-Bush and semi-anti-American, I have strong beliefs and support for various foreign policy decisions and for our administration.Maybe in the coming days, I'll add more thoughts and the reasons why I feel the way I do. Or maybe I'll just get lazy and go back to not posting. It seems hard(if not impossible) to convince people to change their political views(or most views in general) so I think Astra's desire to try and spread my views to the masses is a mostly hopeless one.

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