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[8. Sep 2004|16:57]
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Take the quiz: "Will you ever kill anyone?"

You will be a serial killer for sure!

tas ir labs ;o))))

Take the quiz: "Are you Goth, Indie, Prep, Freak, or Idiot"

You are just like me, death metal music, in to darkness, suicidal things and next to Indies by far the best

Take the quiz: "Which God or Goddess are you?"

God of Bloody Death
Gothic, dark, and a bit violent. Or, you could be a bit slutty, seductive, and dark. You go for the more goth type look complete with reds and blacks. You like death, it's cool to you. You escort those who have died a brutal or bloody death to their place of...well, their place, not much rest there.
Linkiekod man

[User Picture]
Date:8. Septembris 2004 - 22:00
Take the quiz: "Which God or Goddess are you?"

God of Design
You are, to put it bluntly, mature. You'd rather reject the role fate has set for you then live with it, and you don't like things you yourself haven't created. You are dignified and a bit seclusive, you designed what humans, trees, animals, everything looks like.

Date:8. Septembris 2004 - 23:25

God of Bloody Death

Man tas pats:)
[User Picture]
Date:9. Septembris 2004 - 08:43
forši.. ;o)))
[User Picture]
Date:9. Septembris 2004 - 09:14
tas tieshaam ka juus visi esat taadi elliigi ?
Date:9. Septembris 2004 - 15:57
tas tieshaaam!
[User Picture]
Date:9. Septembris 2004 - 16:29
tā kā no elles izmesti.. klīstam, pa zemes virsu bez atmiņām par pagātni... vien ar iezīmēm un uztveri.. kas mūsu tumsu ar vien vairāk atraisa uz šīs zemes...;o)