gon o6 07 - August 2nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 2nd, 2008

DDD [Aug. 2nd, 2008|06:54 am]
[Current Mood |gloomy]
[Current Music |MIA]


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OOO [Aug. 2nd, 2008|08:28 am]
[Current Mood |gloomy]
[Current Music |FFF]

Hey Beiruta, which dimensions are u exploring now?
I finally got my hands and lungs and brains onto dmt- it was amazing experience, abit scarry first, then full of joy and thoughts/feelings of newborn... There were alien sounds,trees and bushes from other planes of exziztens, elves, who said- now we got u and u will have to pay for everything, i answered- yes, yes, yes, then egyptian and tibetan gods of underworld, who asked for my name- my name is VAsha- i uttered, gates of fire and blaCK river...
My hand inside my flesh holding that red pulsating muscle called heart...
U really are out of this time and this space.
I did maybe five trips- first was strongest since i was not eating almost two days, then others not so strong, but i mixed it with alot of acid.
in fact, never did so much acid in my life.
Also traid foxy, have u heard of it? ITs abit like 2cb and acid.
People promised exhibition for me in Lisabon in the middle of october, fuck the promises. Ortuguesse talk really too much, in my humble opinion.
The head empty of festivals,love+peace upon u,
HEy, that was true, all that crazynormality indeed did happen to me and i am alive- too much too write indeed, and its also true that i was in Tunis, thats Africa. I was with Sicilian writer, think alot of her nowdays, i was lying near Central Station of Kopenhagen completely wasted from poppers.I fucked that black guy from MOzabique, to telll the truth we ended living together in one of my womans place- cracking cracking craking. Its pity, that he went to nuthouse now, I am praying for him almost every day - fucking Gods send back the mind to my friend Del!!!
Well, u cannot imagine how weird i feel here, when those woman in tv are asking, so where have u been, how comes u got no passport, no mobile, no credit card.
But ok, i got all that shit now, and learning to emit normalcy is also part of the game, i guess.
Somehow, i very happy how those songs come out, man, i think i do someting really beautiful for the first time in my life.
Feeling mixed up too and dont know what to do with my life either. Wee talk alot about this stuff with my father, and i thank goddamnedgods for giving me father like this.
Probably need to do alot of that goodGodsstuff again.
People here seem very cold and turned-in, not OUT.
Fuck them.
Big kiss and big love to u, milij.



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XCXCXCXCX [Aug. 2nd, 2008|10:19 am]
[Current Mood |gloomy]
[Current Music |DIZEE RASCAL]







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