Out There - Post a comment
Sunday, May 9th, 2010 04:10 pm


nooooo way, i don't want to do this anymore! i am tired of that work and the work is tired of me and it's time to go our own ways, but NO, somebody wants us to co-operate. WE DON'T WANT TO!! No ! NOOO! it's waaaaay to loong already. we don't need volumes or War and Peace continue - nooooooooooooooooooooooo.

well trying to find a power..so far Estelle and David is helping:

"Can anybody help me? i am out of plans....

..Now I cud try and fix this all by myself
But I know it'd turn out better if u help
No one likes to hurt but but everyone gets weak
Someone to rely on that's what everybody needs

Now here we stay its all that were worth
I've been thru the pain and been dragged thru the dirt
Whatever they tell you were bigger than words
I've been where your standing I know how it hurts
Let this be a song now and this be our day
And we stand together well be okay
Because where survivors were making it work
Expecting the best when they hope for the worst"

Current Mood listless
Current Music David Guetta - One Love

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