Out There - March 15th, 2010
March 15th, 2010
Monday, March 15th, 2010 04:14 am
what if

..they say that you have to leave party when you start having finally a real good time..but what if you have a choice not to go..what would you do,but you know you have to..

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Monday, March 15th, 2010 03:27 pm
all i want to do..

I would really like to talk with you
Do you have the time to stop
All I wanna do is rock
If this was any other day
I'd turn and walk the other way
But today
I'll stay
Not walk away
I'm a foot without a sock
Without you
You seem to work around the clock
All I wanna do is rock
If this was any other day
I'd turn and walk the other way
But today
I'll stay
Not walk
Just rock
All I wanna do is rock
If this was any other day
I'd turn and walk the other way
But today
I'll stay

//Travis - All I want to do is rock//

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