[info]bafucis rakstīja
5. Janvāris 2004, 21:23

Super songs! :)


When the night appears
I’m asking you to hold me tight
Tear drops in my eyes
I’m wondering what’s on your mind?

You say you’re leaving me now
I don’t know why and don’t know how
What is the reason for that?
I’m not gonna take you back!

Realize! How much I’ve done for you
don’t compromise, love or leave me now
Realize How much I’ve done for you
don’t compromise

Not a teardrop in your eyes
you’re leaving me without honesty
what more can I say? All the words have turned to sighs

no more truth and no more lies
no more surprise
its over now
it had to end

why does it hurt so bad?
We tried

why do I have to feel sad?
Don’t you know its driving me mad?

what is the reason for that?
I’m not gonna take you back
me too

Realize! How much I’ve done for you
don’t compromise, love or leave me now
Realize How much I’ve done for you
don’t compromise

In the darkest night, I have to fight
With my thoughts in my mind
Will it be forever, or not, what I’ve got
is a fantasy, and no ability to speak about
the problems
you had for me
all this time
just your necessity to leave
with no arguments
reality depresses you with all the consequence
emotions will leave me, like oceans in flowing tide
I will be strong I will keep going and let it ride

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