(bez virsraksta)

Mar. 29., 2010 | 01:27 am

un arlabunakti, dārgā es!

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(bez virsraksta)

Mar. 29., 2010 | 11:57 am
music: aura dione - i will love you monday

tikai kaut kad tagad piemodos, bet nu taga` aši mazgāt seju un tad ārā fočēt, jo izskatās, ka šitā saulīte nav šodien uz palikšanu.

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(bez virsraksta)

Mar. 29., 2010 | 08:11 pm

Like a drug, you asphyxiated me with fulfilment.
Your eyes, like needles, fed my brain with addictive enhancement.
Are you that long awaited ray of hope or is this another twisted side of the same tale?
You traded your wings for horns and I replaced you with a sharper solution.
I went deeper than you ever will.
Your reign didn't last for long.
You were wrong all along.
The diva took her outfit off.
An egocentric drama queen now stood in front of my eyes.
You traded your wings for horns and I replaced you with a sharper solution.
I went deeper than you ever will.
You lost your grasp once and for all.
Karma will get you back.
I won't hold any grudges.
She simply vanished and if that goody Christian girl was right.
Karma will get her back.

hā, nu par `diva of disgust` mani vēl neviens nav saucis, bet nu lai jau. un tā nav taisnība - i went deeper than he ever will
kāds laikam ir mazliet pārskaities

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Mar. 29., 2010 | 09:46 pm
mood: +/--

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(bez virsraksta)

Mar. 29., 2010 | 11:38 pm

kaut kas kodīgs, šitas bija, nu dien

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