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Tu redzi 20 vecākus dienasgrāmatus, izlaisti 60 jaunākie. ieraksti lapa vējā dienasgrāmatā:

    [ << 20 vecākus -- 20 jaunākus >> ]
    Monday, April 25th, 2011
    Saturday, April 23rd, 2011
    dažreiz man ne no kā paliek neaprakstāmi bail. tā, ka sāk trīcēt rokas un paliek slikta dūša. tā kā tagad.
    Thursday, April 14th, 2011
    pats svarīgākais varētu būt - neaizdomāties pie stūres un nenobraukt Mirdzu Martinsoni.
    re, es pat to vārdu nemāku uzrakstīt pareizi, nepiedomājot.
    šodien,braucot pār Vanšu tiltu, es domāju, ka varētu pārgriezt vēnas un tad neiet uz darbu.
    Tās ir ļoti jocīgas domas, jo man nekad nav bijušas nopietnas suiciduālas tieksmes vai nepatika pret savu darbu.
    Thursday, March 31st, 2011
    Pavasars un cilvēks ar trepēm - es esmu tas viss.
    Friday, February 11th, 2011
    You knocked me out
    You bit my lip
    You held me down
    And kept me sober

    Through all this time
    With no regret
    I guess that's just the way I liked it

    When I'm free
    I'll realize all I really wanted
    To share all the peace
    Something that I never wanted

    So wait
    Don't go
    Seems as though
    It's getting scary
    So please
    Don't you go
    Don't you go

    You knocked me out
    I can never be the same
    I pushed you over
    And here we will remain

    Confusion new
    Do you, and nothing's right
    Nobody but you has to
    Hold on to the fight
    Just before you cry

    It won't change you
    It won't change me
    And I don't even wonder why

    Don't touch
    Feel so much

    And life
    Yeah we cry
    I know
    Baby I know

    But fate
    I'm waking
    I feel
    I touch
    I breathe
    I cry
    I know this

    So wait
    I said please
    Smile just before you cry

    Don't you go

    You knocked me out
    I can never be the same
    I pushed you over
    But here we still remain
    You knocked me out
    I can never be the same

    I can take the fight
    But don't
    Don't take it away

    You knocked me out
    You bit my lip
    You held me down and kept me sober
    Friday, January 28th, 2011
    Rhett Butler: Would you satisfy my curiosity on a point which has bothered me for some time?
    Scarlett: Well, what is it? Be quick!
    Rhett Butler: Tell me, Scarlett, do you never shrink from marrying men you don't love?
    Scarlett: How did you ever get out of jail? Why didn't they hang you?

    Scarlett: Rhett, Rhett... Rhett, if you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?
    Rhett Butler: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
    Tuesday, January 25th, 2011
    Sunday, January 2nd, 2011
    tik daudzas reizes
    Iesākties kopā ar tevi
    Sunday, December 19th, 2010
    tā pa lielam es saprotu, ka man neatnesīs eglīti un uz gultu no dīvāna aizmigušu arī neaiznesīs.
    Friday, December 17th, 2010
    bet es esmu kā ziedu valsis no pienvedēja piedzīvojumiem, tāds it kā jautrs un priecīgs un tad aiziet čīgāšana un minors, bet ritms paliek ātrs.
    es skumstu ritmiski.
    Friday, December 3rd, 2010
    nu vienreiz jau var
    Thursday, December 2nd, 2010
    I want to
    I want to be someone else or I'll explode
    Floating upon this surface for the birds
    The birds
    The birds

    You want me?
    Fucking well come and find me
    I'll be waiting
    With a gun and a pack of sandwiches
    And nothing

    You want me?
    Well come on and break the door down
    You want me?
    Fucking come on and break the door down
    I'm ready
    I'm ready
    I'm ready
    I'm ready
    I'm ready
    I'm ready

    Current Music: Talk Show Host - Radiohead
    kāpēc es nemāku izteikties gari un skaisti? jo es taču augu tad, kad bija jāiemācās izteikties pēc iespējas īsāk, jo klades maksāja dārgi, īsziņas maksāja dārgi, rakstīšanas telpa bija jātaupa.
    Kaut ko salauzt sevī, tā man gribas, kādu kaulu, kādu ieradumu, kādu lieku domu. "Krakš" un pēkšņi viss ir savādāk.
    Monday, November 29th, 2010
    Friday, November 26th, 2010
    atmini paroli
    staigāju pa daudziem veikaliem, pērku nevajadzīgas lietas. bet viss tik ļoti riebjas. viss.
    no sākuma jau baigi smieklīgi, pēc tam pāriet un noriet. varbūt jūru vajag, nezinu.
    Friday, November 12th, 2010
    kamēr tu man nestāsti savus murgus, kas ir mani sapņi, ir baigi labi.
    Thursday, October 28th, 2010
    And death keeps knocking at our door
    So we open the door and we die a bit more
[ << 20 vecākus -- 20 jaunākus >> ]
About Sviesta Ciba