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Tu redzi 20 vecākus dienasgrāmatus, izlaisti 200 jaunākie. ieraksti lapa vējā dienasgrāmatā:

    [ << 20 vecākus -- 20 jaunākus >> ]
    Thursday, September 4th, 2008
    Labi, līdz krustojumam roku viņš man iedeva, neko vairāk man šovakar nevajag.
    Būtu labāk iemācījusies klusēt un savas jūtas pie sevis noturēt.
    nevar visi būt tādi, ka tu gribi, zoss tāda.
    Thursday, July 31st, 2008
    Thursday, July 24th, 2008
    Paņemt tevi aiz rokas un tad cauri visām vasarām.
    Un roka tev tik silta, ka ziemas par vasarām top.
    Sunday, July 20th, 2008
    Friday, July 18th, 2008
    You are the melting men
    You are the situation
    There is no time to breathe
    And yet one single breath
    Leads to an insatiable desire
    Of sex

    So many blazing orchids
    Burning in your throat
    Making you choke
    Making you sigh
    Sigh in tiny deaths

    So Melt!
    My lover, melt!
    She said melt!
    My lover, melt!

    You are the melting men
    And as you melt
    You are beheaded
    Handcuffed (in lace and blood and sperm)
    Swimming in poison
    Gasping in the fragrance
    Sweat carves a screenplay
    of discipline...and devotion

    Can you see?
    See into the back of a long, black car
    Pulling away from the funeral of flowers
    With my hand between your legs
    Melting... sevrin
    Monday, July 7th, 2008
    Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, I'm bedazzled
    I don't care
    Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, I'm bedazzled
    So you said
    You knock me out
    I don't want you
    You bust me up
    I don't need you
    You burn me up
    I don't love you
    You plug me in
    Leave me alone
    You switch me on
    I'm self-contained
    You light me up
    Just go away
    I'm bedazzled, I'm bedazzled, I'm be-dazzled!

    You glimmer
    I'm fickle
    You glitter
    I'm cold
    You shimmer
    I'm shallow
    You drive me wi-i-ild, you drive me wild!
    You fill me with inertia

    You knock me out
    Don't get excited
    You bust me up
    Save your breath
    You burn me up
    Cool it
    You plug me in
    I'm not interested
    You switch me on
    It's too much effort
    You light me up
    Don't you ever leave off?
    I'm bedazzled, I'm bedazzled, I'm be-dazzled!

    I'm not available
    Thursday, June 19th, 2008
    Man ir vienkārši vislieliskākais vīrietis pasaulē.
    Monday, June 16th, 2008
    nekad neuztver mani kā kaut ko pašsaprotamu.
    Monday, May 19th, 2008
    I want you to remember
    Everything you said
    Every driven word
    Like a hammer, hell, to my head

    The chemicals between us
    Sunday, May 11th, 2008
    tā nevajadzēja.
    Monday, March 3rd, 2008
    Sunday, March 2nd, 2008
    Life is a terrible thing to sleep through
    Saturday, March 1st, 2008
    Saturday, February 16th, 2008
    never cared for what they say
    never cared for games they play
    never cared for what they do
    never cared for what they know
    and I know

    So close, no matter how far
    Couldn't be much more from the heart
    Forever trusting who we are
    No, nothing else matters
    Wednesday, February 6th, 2008
    varētu tev katru vakaru pasakas lasīt un smieties
    Monday, February 4th, 2008
    Un tad jau tu man matus balināji, liki visam reibt un pēc tam
    stāstīji par grāmatām un pasakām. Man vēl nekad neviens nebija
    brokastis taisījis. Paldies, ka tu esi.
    Saturday, February 2nd, 2008
    Wednesday, January 30th, 2008
    Līp kā arābs pie korāna, līp kā medū novārtījies.
    un smaržo pēc pievilcības.
    un izskatās pēc vīzijas.

    bērnišķīgs un nevainīgs smaids sāk bradāt puķudobē, lai aizsniegtos pēc tālākās un krāšņākās puķes. it kā neizsniedzamākās.
[ << 20 vecākus -- 20 jaunākus >> ]
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