lapa vējā's Journal
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Thursday, December 27th, 2007

    Time Event
    Hey you,
    Out there in the cold,
    Getting lonely, getting old,
    Can you feel me?
    Hey you,
    Standing in the aisle,
    With itchy feet and fading smile,
    Can you feel me?
    Hey you,
    Don't help them to bury the light.
    Don't give in without a fight.
    empty spaces
    What shall we use to fill the empty spaces,
    Where we used to talk?
    How shall I fill the final places?
    How shall I complete the wall?
    pink floyd
    There must be some mistake,
    I never meant to let them take,
    Away my soul.
    Am I too old?
    Is it too late?
    Where has the feeling gone?
    Will I remember this song?
    The show must go on.

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