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Criminal tendencies

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Gadu laikā ik pa laikam atgriežos pie šīs... [Wednesday
June 6th, 2012
[ music | UNKLE - Rabbit In Your Headlights ]


Nekad līdz šim neesmu tā darījusi, bet tagad eju cauri šī klipa direktora, Džonatana Gleizera, režisēto klipu sarakstam.

1 %

June 6th, 2012
"Never laugh at your husband's choices. You're one of them."


Par adoptēšanu! [Wednesday
May 23rd, 2012


April 26th, 2012
"But he's a man. That's the problem. The only time they can think straight is when they have an erection, and it's usually pointed right at the trampiest woman."

– Viola, Monster–In–Law


April 25th, 2012
“When you were small and just a touch away, I covered you with blankets against the cold night air. But now that you are tall and out of reach, I fold my hands and cover you with prayer."

– Dona Maddux Cooper


April 20th, 2012
Skaista diena. Patīk :)


April 15th, 2012


FUCK!!! [Tuesday
April 3rd, 2012
Varētu šodien pat paņemt zelta retrīvera kucēnu! Varu, bet nevaru :( Vienkārši pakaļā.

P.S. Protams, ka tikko aizrakstīju meilu par kucēniem.


March 8th, 2012
kādu dienu paņemšu bērnu padusē un aiziešu uztaisīt jaunu tetovējumu. Sen jau laiks.


design's a bitch [Thursday
March 8th, 2012
Nespēju sliktā mājaslapā neko skatīties. Atveru, ieraugu sūdu, zemu kvalitāti, pēdējo mēslu, un taisu ciet. Firmai var būt vislabākie pakalpojumi, bet, ja web lapa ir mēsls, tāda pati ir attieksme. Imidžam IR nozīme. Tāpat kā vizītkartēm.


March 8th, 2012
Varētu mājā ielikt kaut ko šādu. Tieši vajag vēl vienu gaismas ķermeni.


March 7th, 2012
Ļoti saspringts un stresains rīts darba sakarā. Arī – nabaga bērns. Pabeidzu lietas, izgājām ārā pastaigāties un šo to iepirkt mājai un pārtikai. Uzcepu lasi ar šampinjoniem, iedevu meitai viņas pirmo skābo konfekti un vispār – pirmo jebkāda neveselīga veida konfekti, jo vienmēr esmu pieturējusies pie kvalitatīvām šokolādēm saldajam zobam. Esmu sagurusi, pavisam. Ierāpāmies gultā, mazā tikko iemiga, drīz userinfoengell būs klāt uz ciemošanos. Jāapsveic tak iepriekšējos vārda svētkos un rītdienas Sieviešdienā. Pilnīgi minūtes skaitām! :)


March 2nd, 2012

3 %

March 2nd, 2012
Sasmaidījos par to, ko kāds norvēģu tūrists raksta par Rīgu (neņemt vērā stila un gramatikas kļūdas):

"these girls are hot,hot,hot Im telling you. I have never seen a so large concentration of beautiful women in one city. My advice to everyone going to riga is show respect, be friendly and have a good time. Sure turist pay more but it cost what it cost and nothings for free. Not the girls not the company but in the end the girls are just out looking for a goodtime and if that means buying them drinks all night so be it. As I say dont act like The Big Man if you cant afford it. And i can honestly say we used about there average monthly wage every nigh that weekend and I have no regrets. Best time Ive ever had and am already planing to go back in a though months :)
Enjoy Riga!!"


Labs raksts! [Thursday
February 16th, 2012
"What tool should every man own?
A pocketknife. When I say pocketknife, I don’t mean a multi-tool with a blade made of stainless steel. Look at that guy Aron Ralston who had to cut off his arm. He had a terrible time. If you’re going to cut your arm off, you’d better have a good knife."


February 12th, 2012
"The biggest devil is me. I'm either my best friend or my worst enemy."

– Whitney Houston


December 7th, 2011
From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realize, until they no longer have it.



Frailty [Thursday
September 1st, 2011
Rītvakar mataino tuss MP \m/

1 %

August 22nd, 2011
Daudz laimes Inesei! :)


depeche mode - dream on live (exciter tour) [Sunday
July 31st, 2011

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